Men don’t listen. It’s a horrible stereotype—but as far as most women are concerned, it’s an irrefutable fact. Why don’t we just listen? Why do we always try to fix everything? Because, as men, we …
What Gets You More – Comfort or Risk?
So, which gets you more, comfort or risk? I say risk. Comfort is what we seek, but it’s risk that delivers it. Think about it, what brought you the biggest change and pleasure in your life? Was it …
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Looks Matter – or Do They?
In this age of enlightenment we like to think appearance is less important than it used to be. Unfortunately, that’s just wishful thinking. A New York Times article quotes Michael Kimmel, a sociology …
What Is a Remarkable Man – a Lecture
For men and women in the Inland Northwest I am doing a talk at the Sandpoint Library: Guess what? Men are no longer just macho idiots or new age wimps. For thousands of years, society has taught men …
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Why Are Emotions So Hard for Us?
Are you born to fight? Maybe – you are born to hunt. As men, we are the hunters of the hunter-gathers. We are born to provide and protect. If need be, we will fight. It is in that fight we see the …
Carving Out Change
For 35 years I have used my hands and my words to sculpture change in myself and others. As Michelangelo described, removing the rock that was hiding what he saw living inside, I also see hidden …