What drives success?
It may not always be a top-down approach. Discovering how to use your body’s response to free yourself from limiting behavior patterns will set you free.
New Model
“I have been married for 25 years and there were times I thought there was no way this relationship would survive. Not only has it survived it’s the best it has ever been.”
Cut Through
“I have quickly learned life-changing insights into myself and into men in general. Owen has the unique ability to cut through the barriers that we as men put up, while offering a level of support and empathy that is hard to find..”
Attorney & Therapist
Passionate Support
“Owen is one of the most authentic, heartfelt, and generous men I’ve encountered through this work. And his level of insight is commensurate with that of a man who was worked on himself and worked with others passionately for four decades.”
Startup Attorney
New Realm
“And every time I felt I’d had a breakthrough or learned something new, he was not only able to meet me at every turn and articulate my realization in a way that clarified it and further anchored my understanding but also to show me how to take it even further–and where to go next.”
Entrepreneur and Consulting Leader
It’s Simple
I help men to connect, so that their relationships work. Being a master of disconnection, I learned how to connect—now I trained other men to do the same.
I tried many of the standard solutions to fix my relationship and career problems, only to become more frustrated. Once I began using the science of the body, I saw consistent, sustainable change. What was a struggle became natural.
A New Model
Top-down approaches work great for tech issues; they don’t work well for emotional issues. Your physiological and emotional responses will sabotage your mind’s attempt to control.
Discover how to make your body’s physical and emotional responses work for you so others connect to you. Become a natural leader. Take a risk, take new action—explore, experiment, experience—risk
“I have been in many different group-learning experiences over the years. Owen has catalyzed more ongoing personal breakthroughs for me more than the rest combined.”
MICHAEL WELP, PH.D, Business owner

Want to work together?
You’ve accomplished a lot by stretching yourself. Now you’re up against something that you can’t get through on your own. Your smarts and hard work aren’t giving you all you want. It’s not you; it’s the tools others gave you.
Smart and hard work alone won’t get you there – let me help.