Lee Ielpi, a retired New York City Firefighter, shares his experience of 911 in this NPR story about the September 11th Families' Association’s Tribute WTC Visitors Center. As you listen to Lee speak, …
The Body Rules
If you read my other posts you know that I am a huge fan of the body and its direct connection to the unconscious, the real driver of the bus. I was initiated into somatic psychology and therapies by …
You Aren’t Divided – between your conscious and unconscious
Your conscious and unconscious minds may act like adversaries, attempting to pull you in two directions. They are meant to work together to enrich your life. Proving that you are more than your …
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Are Your Groups Fun?
When is the last time you played? When was the last time you teased a friend? When was the last time you had a belly laugh? For me it was last night in our group. How to judge the health of an …
Know Fear – Go to Fearlessinside
Fearless Inside is an organization that encourages more belonging, community, and courage in students' lives. “We believe fear is scary but should be embraced,” says Darryl Bellamy Jr., the young man …
Healing Depression – Depression part 2
Sustainable solutions to depression In my previous post I outlined what causes depression and how drugs might help mitigate the symptoms, but don’t address the cause. Now let’s talk about healing the …
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