In the previous post, we discussed separation, the first of three stages of change. Here we will move into the second stage, transition, or as others call it, …
The Arc of Change Part 1
What do we all want – and resist? Change. We want to leave what is not working. Maybe it did work, but we reached a point where it is no longer working. It could be the desire to leave home, a …
Seek Discomfort
What do we love? Control. When I get honest about my former obsession with control, my approach to life was “How can I minimize my risk?”. Sure, that can be a good survival strategy; it sucks as …
The Trauma and Drama of a Child
I remember when the reality of my childhood started to hit me over the head. I was sitting in a somatic psychotherapy training with Ron Kurtz listening to others speak about how their childhood …
Projection — How to Transform Them
Twenty-five years ago, getting pissed off sitting in a Sweat Lodge next to a man who could not sit still, I thought, “WTF, can’t this man just relax?”. It took everything I had not to say something – …
Fail to Succeed
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." – Thomas Edison I remember one business meeting where my fear was so active that I was shaking. My head knew I would survive, …