How many times have you said, “Just say it” to others or yourself? I know I’m always thinking it: Just get it out, speak it. SPIT IT OUT! Why speak? Because the truth will set you free. There is …
Limits of Exercise
As men we like to push it – sometimes too far. A new study printed in the New York Times reports on research published in The Journal of Applied Physiology. The gist of the study was: long term hard …
Why Men Don’t Admit Defeat
“Women dwell on their disappointments. ...Whereas men dwell on their failures.” From Leigh Pretnar Cousins, MS in the PsychCentral post Ms. Cousins’ contention is that women don’t get the fact …
Are Your Groups Fun?
When is the last time you played? When was the last time you teased a friend? When was the last time you had a belly laugh? For me it was last night in our group. How to judge the health of an …
How to Know and Use Fear
You instinctually avoid not only what causes fear, but also fear itself. It is only natural to not want to experience an unpleasant feeling. When fear follows you The cause of the fear can be …
Support Living a Whole Life
Changing can be hard, support makes it easier. We offer support through posts and comments. Just as an athlete needs good nourishment and rest, so do you. We will be sharing useful information on …