What is a man? Do you know? You probably have an idea. Odds are, you’re either a man yourself, and/or you date one, live with one, or are married to one. We might know what we expect of a …
Why Didn’t Someone Tell Me I Could Have This?
I was one of the 260 voyeurs watching a group of men be emotional. We all were spectators to the Sandpoint Men’s Group weekly meetings by watching a documentary film, About Men produced by Maja Bugge, …
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What Is Possible for Men
What is possible in your life? Are you developing the relationships you want with your partner and with other male friends? Here is an interview (see below) about our work with men, our free groups, …
Don’t Do Life Alone
To use my friend Ken Solin’s line, “Who do you call at 2AM when your life just exploded?” If you are like most men, your list is very short, or nonexistent. Most men left our brotherhood behind us …
Men Are Free – Thank You New York
What do you want more than anything? If you’re like many of the men I just worked with in NYC, it’s simple: freedom. When we ask men why they took time to come to our workshops, we hear that again …
The Power of Going Deep
Men ask us how is it that your groups continue to grow, have men transform their lives and have a rep for being so much fun. In one word, Deep. In part from trail and error we learned that the edge …