After years of doing all form of work including men’s work and men’s groups I still couldn’t find a book that took all the aspects of what is available today and delivered it to men in a way that …
109 Excuses for Not Being a Remarkable Man
1. Women don't want real men. Women want men who will risk not being wanted. 2. I'll work on it later. The longer the wait, the harder the work and the greater the grief for missed …
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A Man Risking His Life for Peace
Remarkable men show up in many forms. An old friend sent me this article on Pancho Ramos Stierle a man who gave up his Ph.D. program at University of California at Berkeley to change the world one …
Remarkable Men and the Women Who Love Them
Several of you asked for the recording of my radio interview I did on September 27th. Click on the link to listen to or download. Stacey Stern did her homework which was part of why it’s a great …
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How Would You Change?
Ric has something to teach us. Ric Elias survived sitting in the front-row of Flight 1549, the plane that crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York in January 2009. A man who came from Puerto Rico …
A Man with a Mission
Here is a Van Jones’ speech to Powershift 2011 inspiring and supporting our next generation who is “graduating off a cliff”. Van is not just saying no to what is not working, he is championing …