Guys, if you want to attract more women, increase your Masculine Emotional Intelligence™ (MEI). Get smart.
Women like smart men. They love men who are emotionally smart in a masculine way.
A man blows up at a woman over his tools being out of place = childish and unsexy.
A man says, “Can you please make sure to put my tools back where you got them? This is my personal space, and it means a lot to me. I feel like my stuff doesn’t matter to you when my space is not treated with respect” = a woman hearing what he says, understanding, and respecting him for being honest, open and even vulnerable.
We all know what the most common reason is for a man deciding that he needs to develop his MEI: a woman! How many times have you heard, “You’re so distant!” or “You don’t talk to me!” For guys, emotions were always something women handled—until a woman has finally had it, and isn’t willing to carry all the emotional weight of the relationship. How many of you had a father who modeled high MEI? In spite of how good my father was, MEI was not a strong skill for him.
Our partners are often the sole source of emotional support for us men. If you don’t have a partner, then what? Men weren’t taught how to give ourselves emotional support, how to develop other sources, or how to connect to men to get emotional support.
In this interview on Masculine Emotional Intelligence™, I give women and men simple solutions. Listen, it can be easier to shift this than you think. Neither men nor women are bad or broken – we just never got to learn how emotions can be our allies.
Photo by Stefano Corso via Compfight