You may know how I’m a huge champion of brotherhood, how as men we need more than male friends. I get it with my men’s groups. My good friend Mike Hrostoski’s is doing it with his The School for Men.
Because I believe in men shortening their path to success with the help of other men, I wanted to interview Mike about his path to success and his new school. Here it is the interview:
Mike put together a free training series for men on the path who want to master the game of life. Here’s a link to the first video. In it he walks you through the 10 Myths Ruining Men’s lives.
As I mentioned in the interview, I am giving every man who signs up for Mike’s School for Men through me a free MQ Test and accompany book. Take the test before you do Mike’s school, then take it again after… see how you raised your score.
photo by Stuart Vivier