Being the man you want to be often means escaping the box you are in. There is no bigger box than our education system. It is so big, so pervasive that we don’t realize its effect. After a few generations of it we grew to accept learning to be our education system.
It is not working. We are creating men and women who are inefficient computers. We aren’t creating independent, passionate creators.
From my experience of working with men I can say often the biggest hurdle for a man being who he wants to be is for him to think in a different way. Not only are we learning more and more useless information, worse we are learning useless ways of thinking. These men are ‘in there heads’ and out of their bodies. In other words, these men are operating systems are corrupted or limited at best. They believe that life starts and stops with their intellectual experience.
Sir Ken Robinson and his TED videos lay out a strong argument for why it is so critical to change our educational system. The above video takes one of his presentations and literally draws it out.
We need to unlearn our limited way of thinking if we are to be the men we want to be and allow our children to be all they can be. What one thing would you unlearn?