“Emotional Intelligence for men”: is not an oxymoron. In fact, we are developing the Masculine Quotient, or MQ Test. Go here to take it:
We need your help.
Men grew up with the honor of being schooled in emotional intelligence by our mothers, then our teachers, counselors, girlfriends, and wives. No matter how good we were as students of emotions, however, there was always something missing. Few of us had men modeling or teaching Masculine Emotional Intelligence (MEI).
This first version of the MQ Test attempts to draw out of men and women what makes a man emotionally smart.
With your and your friends help, we will have the foundations to devise an effective and reliable scale to measure something that was rarely considered necessary. With your help, we will create a way to measure and guide men to develop in ways they never could through no fault of their own. Because for generations of men relegated to work and women to raising the kids, both girls and boys never had the good fortune of a masculine prospective on emotionality.
You and this test will change that. We will begin to understand what it is to be uniquely a man, emotionally.
From your and other’s answers we will develop the final test. We will give you two copies of that test, one for you and one for a friend. The final test will give you a MQ score and an explanation of what it means. We will also have suggestions on how to raise your MQ.
A little about the test
The idea for this test was germinated 20 years ago when Owen Marcus started noticing how men experienced, processed, and expressed their emotions differently than women. Yes, that’s not rocket science—we all know that.
Owen noticed subtle distinctions in men’s physiology and processing. Using what he noticed, he started working with men to explore what was missing and how best fill those gaps. His book, Grow Up: A Man’s Guide to Emotional Masculine Intelligence is a roadmap for men to fill those missing areas.
The free men’s groups that his nonprofit Men Corps and his for-profit Free to Win support became powerful tools for men to collectively train each other in what was missing. To develop a way to measure MEI, Owen teamed up with the social scientist Jared Scott Brickman.
Go here to take the test: www.masculinequotient.com/mq-test-creation
Thank you for your help