“I Won’t Be That Man.”
How often have you said that, and then years later realize you were becoming that man? When I became honest with myself, I had to admit that I was becoming the parts of my father I did not like.
Next, I had to ask myself, “Is my life leading me, or am I leading my life?”. I did not like the answer.
The next step was having the courage to take the risk to seek help from those who could help me out of my downward spiral.
After trying the traditional means, I decided to pursue other paths. To my amazement, those paths not only worked, but often produced results faster and to a greater extent than I imagined.
Sharing what worked for me with other men blew me away. I was wrong on two accounts: 1) I thought I was the only man with these issues, and 2) I did not believe other men were as committed to growth as I was.
The Past Leads Us to a New Future
For centuries, we were taught to act as if our emotions and bodies were two separate entities. These separate entities often operate as two distinct warring factions, making life a struggle. But with your body as your ally, it connects parts you thought were problems to become your superpower.
Ancient traditions used the power of the mind-body connection to heal and perform at high levels. Over decades of study and experience, I took the essence of past traditions and today’s science to create quick and profound change for men.