This group has opened me up to be a better listener and a better supporter of the people around me.
Going into the group I was in a pretty good space. I brought with me insecurities that have been with me for years. The group help me realize that I can believe in myself and help bring a better outlook on my myself and I am in a stronger place now.
My relationship has been a good place after running into some rough spot over that last couple of years. During the time spent with the group my relationship hit another rough spot and the men in the group helped me work through my short comings, helping me realize my responsibility and bettering my relationship.
Roger Giudicelli
General ContractorEmotional Safety
Change does not occur unless you feel safe
Effective Protocol
Straightforward agreements and processes
Emotional Physiology and Attachment Theory
As men, our pain and relationship dysfunction does not stem from being bad, broken, or dysfunctional.
Our dysfunction stems from previous stress, trauma, and a lack of modeling and training on succeeding as a man. Throughout our lives, we became more disconnected from our own experiences, resources, and from others. Healing and achieving what serves us and others comes from re-establishing those connections.
The most powerful and often most joyful way to reconnect is to do it with other men in an emotionally safe and authentic environment. A group set up around a proven system increases the likelihood of each man exceeding his goals.
Why Now
Since arriving in Grass Valley, I have had numerous requests to start a group. After 25 years of starting, mentoring, and running groups, I have seen thousands of men’s lives transform from the connection men create. I want my community to have what other communities have.
For forty years, I developed programs that brought together mindfulness, somatic psychotherapy, and the science of emotional physiology for men and women.
Unsatisfied with the status quo for men, I began creating a new model of men’s groups, incorporating what I saw working in corporate trainings and in my clinic. Men embraced this new model – it is a natural model for men’s ways of experiencing and expressing emotions. It worked, and men’s relationships began to transform. The 10,000+ hours working with men when other approaches were not helping gave me a knack for connecting with men, so they feel emotionally safe and respected. I appreciate how hard it can be for a man to connect emotionally — it was hard for me.
This new model was the focus of the documentary About Men. My book, Grow Up: A Man’s Guide to Masculine Emotional Intelligence lays out a set of tools that most men never received while growing up.
My executive relational coaching develops relationship skills for men — the ones they were never taught. Applying these skills at home and work lowers our stress and increases connection.
As Co-founder and Director of Education for EVRYMAN, our team and I continue to develop ways to use emotions and physiology as tools to create fulfilling relationships and purposeful lives. EVRYMAN’S work is featured in the New York Times, Today Show, Men’s Health, and other international media.
Through using the power of releasing the hold of our survival physiology and giving men simple skills they were never taught – men learn to connect to themselves and to their partners. This model is used by men, tech companies, and municipal governments worldwide to create more effective teams and less stressed men. EVRYMAN trains therapists and psychiatrists in this somatic-oriented approach. In co-leading Hold Me Tight® couple’s workshops, I have the honor of helping both men and women use vulnerability to develop connection.
Therapists Referrals
More and more men seek out therapy, and with that, more therapists seek out EVRYMAN to support their male clients. In the safety of a men’s group, men open up and practice new skills that may be hard in other settings.
EVRYMAN continues to be endorsed and used by therapists such as Sue Johnston, Ph. D., Terry Real, and Esther Perel. Therapist’s certification organizations and therapists are seeking out EVRYMAN for training in how to work with men.
First, please fill out this short questionnaire before or when you purchase. Thanks.
Thursdays from 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Start date: On Hold for Now
Because of my teaching schedule, there will be weeks I will be out of town. The group is encouraged to meet on those nights. I will provide 10 weeks of training, it just won’t be consecutive weeks.
Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of a group, I will put you on the list.
Dalia Anderman’s office:
356 Providence Mine Rd. #C
Nevada City CA 95959
Thursdays from 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Start date: Thursday, June 30
Ten Weeks
Because of my teaching schedule, there will be weeks I will be out of town. The group is encouraged to meet on those nights. I will provide 10 weeks of training, it just won’t be consecutive weeks.
I look forward to starting our group.