People often ask what is the processes of the Evolutionary Change™, or as Joseph Campbell called it the Hero’s Journey. Beyond being our own personal mythological journey of transformation, it is a process of unraveling, disassembling and reorganization. A man in my men’s group sent me a link to the series of three paintings by Alex Grey depicting these three aspects of this journey. He is calling it the “Journey of the Wounded Healer.”
Some believe to be a true healer you must first find and own your wound(s), surrender to the dismantling of your old – the limiting construction of self and then receive the high level of reorganization with the help of others and Spirit. Only with you traveling this Evolutionary Change™ will you be able to guide others on theirs.
As a healer, you are not healing; you are facilitating the healing process, this Evolutionary Change™ for others. Grey’s picture illustrates much better than my words can the power of the cellular healing that occurs when you allow for this process of transformation to affect you.
It is not an easy nor sought out by many. It will change you down to your soul if you permit yourself to die the death of old limitations.