Go beyond selling
If you want to be successful and sell, make the “design so engaging and compelling that people simply have to share it,” is what Ravi Sawhney, the founder and CEO of RKS says in his Fast Company blog post. He goes on to say,
When you’ve done this, you just haven’t sold one product. When you successfully let the Hero’s Journey be your guide, each sale, each heroic evangelist you create, will generate many more sales and build brand loyalty. It will turn your company into something far more than a company that creates products or services. It will be a company that creates empowerment. When you move people in this way, you bond them to your brand. And that bond? It’s priceless.
- Image via Wikipedia
Take risks – express your passion
We all want to do more than shop, we want to be heroes. We want to be the person who solves the problem no one else solves. We want to be the person who shares that new thing.
We think of ourselves as modern man, yet we have the same wiring of our ancestors. We’re motivated by pain or pleasure. We want to avoid pain through solving a problem or experience joy through receiving pleasure. The person who does this for others is the hero. The experience goes from being a personal experience to being a communal experience. Our actions serve more than ourselves – they serve our community.
Understand what moves people – understand the Hero’s Journey
Both the Evolutionary Change™ described in this site as well as Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey describe the hero’s path that Ravi Sawhney refers to in his post. If you want to move people to action, evoke their innate desire to travel this journey even in a minor way. By evoking and supporting their hero you’re moving your cause forward. Your product or service becomes the excuse for others to receive the rewards of being a hero.
How have you sold using the Hero’s Journey with a product or service? What did it feel like?