Evolutionary Change™ is the instinctual process of deep change. It is how humans have transformed themselves for thousands of years. It is what Joseph Campbell called the Hero’s Journey.
It is represented as the five stages on the top of each page: Imagine, Commit, Catalyze, Integrate and Share.
What is unique about this change process?
We all change unintentionally or intentionally. Evolutionary Change™ taps into a hidden ability you have to create deep and sustainable change. Why not use a dormant ability to enhance the process of change and creation?
Why haven’t I heard about this before?
Good question. As Joseph Campbell explained, it often is at the core of great literature and mythology. You’ve likely have heard of it, but no one explained it as technology you could use to facilitate change and success.
How do I use the Evolutionary Change™?
Start in the beginning-imagine what you want to create. Once you have a visceral sense of what you want to manifest-commit and go for it. At some point you will come to a place where you descend into your deep place of change, it may be a place you’ve never been. Catalyze what you want with your courage to risk. Here you let go of what was not working and surrender to what you want. Allow your new guides on this adventure to aid you. Once you find your magi-integrate it into your being and life. Then begin to share it.
Here are the five stages explained:
Allow your dream to lead you
All adventures begin with intent. Your intent might be to shift a problem in your life. It might be to create change. There is always a purpose, a focus.
The clearer your vision, the more focused your energy will be for your adventure. We often move out of reaction. When you can slow down to feel what you really want, your focus becomes apparent. You may think it is to change one aspect of your life, yet after reflecting on your feelings, you begin to see there is more.
There are times when you just need to take that first step, and then you will know what you want. Movement begets awareness. Awareness begets clarity.
Alternatively, you may need to extract yourself from your chaos to slow down to feel so you really know what you want. Today in a world of high stress, we often run around reacting to whatever is occurring in the moment. We may believe we are in control of our lives, but at best, we are controlling the chaos.
Give yourself what you need to dream. Go back to your childhood and those dreams. Remember what you told yourself you wanted out of life. What do you want? Are you getting it? Dream big.
Let the images and feelings of what you want become your mandella that you focus on through your new adventure. It will change as you travel your adventure. You will learn more as you allow yourself to experience what this adventure brings you.
Begin the adventure, start your revolution of change
Now that you have a sense of what you want – just begin. This can be the hardest stage. You may find opportunities to do something else. There is always another crisis that needs your attention or another person.
What are your reasons not to start? What are your saboteurs? What takes you out of backing up your commitment with action? How bad does it have to get to move?
Life does a funny thing to us. If we don’t move, it moves us. How many times have you procrastinated only to act out of necessity? You may tell yourself that you don’t know what to do. You don’t want to mess up so you do more research. You want to get it right.
As you analyze the situation, the situation changes and you lose the opportunity and you are forced to respond in a way you rather not.
Get it wrong. Commit. Trust that even a wrong decision can lead to the right place.
How many times in your life has magic shown up because you didn’t do your normal thing? When you are moving, your life comes at you. The particular energy and movement of going for your dream is powerful. It might be scary for you. It is real – you are alive.
Create with help from the WR and its members
You know what you want. You are on the move to getting it. Now what?
This is where you change. This is where you do it differently than you have in the past, where you take risks. To get the result you want, you need to shift your behaviors. Easily said, not so easily done.
Old patterns show up particularly under the stress of change. Your head tells you to do it the old way or the way others do it. Yet, there is some deep part that is saying change, dare to be different. Your voices of the past are loud. What do you do?
You get help. If you get lost when traveling, you ask for help. You ask someone who knows the area to guide you to where you want to go. With guidance, you head off in a new direction with renewed confidence you will reach your destination.
The catalyzing occurs when you combine your vision of what you want with action to achieve it along with the input of something new. The help of others can be what causes change. You don’t need to do what others suggest, you just need to allow the new input to affect your adventure.
As in chemistry, the catalyst creates a reaction that would not exist without it. Allow the Whole Revolution and all its community to assist you at arriving to your new place.
Integrate your creation into your success
Now that you are in a new place with your creation, you need to integrate your creation into who you are and your world. From your travels, you need to weave your experiences and gifts into your being. This means you will be different from the person who began the adventure. How do you meld these two people?
You may feel a need to speed through the integration of your experiences. There might be an urge to move on, to get to the next thing — don’t do it. Allow yourself the pleasure of deepening your experience. The desire to hurry can take you out of the full power of what you went through to arrive. To receive the largest return on your investment, you need to permit the natural assimilation of your learning.
Hang with others who have traveled a similar adventure. Share your stories. Ask them questions. Dream on where you’ve been. Honor yourself for all that you’ve accomplished.
The more you integrate, the more powerful the benefits from this adventure. What you learn will soak in deeply so that much of your learning will become unconscious; this is the deepest kind of learning.
You may need to rearrange your world to fit this new you. It’s similar to engaging in a new fitness program to the extent that your entire body changes causing you to buy new clothes. If a part of your life doesn’t fit, look at letting go of it.
Apply your wisdom to changing your world
Once you have embodied your change, it is time to share it. Not only will this benefit others, it will enhance your change. As you share, you will receive reflections on how much you’ve changed.
Here you will adapt your new self to your world. You will be tested – you will occasionally fail. You will find yourself reverting to your old self, the one you left behind. That is good, you are learning.
Just as parts of your old self are being shed so may aspects of your old life. Friends may have a difficult time relating to you after your return from your adventure. It can be difficult letting go of a past that no longer serves you. It can get more intense if one of these friends attempts to bring back your old self rather than accept who you are now.
Your life will adjust, as you continually show up as your new self, you express this new self as you share. Out of this expression you’ll become comfortable in your changes. You settle in, your world tweaks itself to meet you.
Sharing your gifts is key to completing your adventure. It is often out of sharing that you receive the full importance of your adventure. Sharing what is precious to you renews you. Sharing your gift touches others in a deep way. They may decide they want what you. That desire can be the call for them to start their Whole Adventure.
[…] saw a pattern. This pattern is laid out in his Hero’s Journey. I’ve written about it here, here, and here. We are called (pushed) to start the journey because our current situation is not […]