What do you live for?
What do you think about when you go to bed? What do you dream about while you sleep? What do you lie awake thinking about? During the moments between other moments of action, what fantasies pop into your head? Are these experiences something you currently have in your life?
Sometimes in the pursuit of success, the enjoyment of life takes a backseat to the achievements of life. It’s time to surrender to the enjoyment of life in all its aspects. You don’t have to deny pleasure in the pursuit of success for success and happiness are not mutually exclusive.
Point of change
We are at a crossroads — we are being told that our future existence as we know it depends on us changing our behaviors. Our culture tells us that we must continue to grow to succeed. Our Declaration of Independence tells the world that we have a right to pursue happiness. Beyond these possibly conflicting positions is a place where the greater good for our fellow human and the planet is served as well as our needs.
New possibilities
One of our reasons for sponsoring owenmarcus.com is to provide a vehicle and forum to support the changes the planet so desperately needs AND learn to enjoy the pleasures of the planet. Change that evolves from passion is much more sustainable and enjoyable than change that is forced upon on us for one reason or another.
When we slow down to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, we want to preserve them. A passion for healthy forests drives us to create better forestry practices. We shift from pushing from a place of rightness to leading from our enthusiasm. Internal or external opposing forces may then become our allies.
It is our hope at owenmarcus.com that we can assist in co-creating a better life for all on the Four Worlds on the planet (plants, minerals, animals and humans) as our Native American elders refer to them. William McDonough, an internationally renowned sustainability architect, uses as his first criteria for design — “How do we love all the children of all species for all time?”
Our question to you is “How do we pursue our deep happiness while supporting the planet?” Please join us in sharing your passion of living a whole life.