There is not an institution that needs change more than our healthcare industry. Deepak Chopra a physician by training writes a manifesto on how holistic health can be the agent of change, in fact it is. He quotes statistics from several diverse sources that support what many of us know – we are turning to holistic health even when it means we have to pay for it all out of our own pockets.
In defending Oprah for introducing us to more options, Chopra delivers us hope that may be there is a way to solve the unsolvable. I would add to his post that the other key ingredient to solving our healthcare dilemma is being self-responsible. Over the past two generations we allowed the medical profession and the drug companies to take over our bodies, we bought their line that “we know what is best for your body.” We now live in a country where it citizens expect a free pill that will immediately cure their current problem with no side effects. There will never be such a pill.
Support change, support your body – use holistic health.